Freitag, 21. Oktober 2011

Dieser Moment...

Nur ein Foto, keine Worte. Ein Augenblick, eingefangen in dieser Woche. Zum Innehalten, Genießen und Erinnern.

Einfach, weil es so schön war...

Idee: Soulemama

5 Kommentare:

  1. We are so far apart...and yet our moments are strikingly similar. Only the perspective has changed. I sure wish mine were at a beach!

  2. Beautiful!! Love that smile, it's so real. Barefoot Mama, TX

  3. Swinging is such a joy...even as we get older LOL. We may just not swing quite as high as the young hearts do :)

  4. Was für ein fröhliches, tolles Foto!!!

  5. Swinging right on the beach? No wonder that expression on your lovie's face! Fantastic!

    It was hard for me to choose a moment this week, but since this made me laugh at myself & how far I've come with ocd, I chose "Cheerios and Toes".

    I really hope you will take a "moment" to come by! :)


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