Freitag, 11. Februar 2011

Dieser Moment...

Nur ein Foto, keine Worte. Ein Augenblick, eingefangen in dieser Woche. Zum Innehalten, Genießen und Erinnern.

Idee: Soulemama

7 Kommentare:

  1. this is such a sweet photo. i love his little ear and his little foot. it's so fun to watch what is happening outside one's window! have a good weekend and a happy valentine's day.

  2. The allure of trucks is pretty powerful. Nice photo.

  3. I love that sweet baby foot - and my son also spends a lot of time watching the "ginormous trucks" (as he calls them).

  4. Trucks outside the window, priceless! I have come via Soulemama. Here is our moment
    Tschüss, Jacinta

  5. sweet cheeks' window to the world! thanks for sharing!

  6. Window on the great big world! Amazing!

  7. Ist das ein schönes Bild!
    LG Anja


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