Freitag, 29. Juli 2011

Dieser Moment...

Nur ein Foto, keine Worte. Ein Augenblick, eingefangen in dieser Woche. Zum Innehalten, Genießen und Erinnern.

Bahn frei für die Nacktschnecke! Here comes the snail!

Idee: Soulemama

4 Kommentare:

  1. What a fabulous photo! I love those little socks :)
    Have a good weekend!

  2. Oh the sandals -- so sweet! What concentration waiting for the snail!

  3. So sweet!

    This week the girls' have had swimming lessons at the lake in town so we have been there all week! Our moment comes from one of the days at the lake where after the girls (and their best friends) had finished their lessons they went right into the water to practice, play and swim while the toddler brothers of two of their friends were left on the shore to watch. It was a moment I am glad to have captured.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Love the socks!!


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